There are so many benefits in using adult toys

For long now, sex experts and sex therapists have been harping on the benefits that all couples stand to derive whenever they made use of adult toys in Canada. Now, it seems like more people would heed their advice. We-Vibe the premium company known for its adult toys for sale launched a new device known as Sync. 

And as part of its celebration for the successful launching of these premium adult toys in Canada, they surveyed men and women in the age range of 35 and 55 numbering as many as 1,000. The aim of their study was to analyze the way the relationships of these couples were affected by these adult toys for sale and what they would desire to have more of inside their bedrooms.  The result of their study was very insightful and it further buttressed the stands of sex experts that truly adult toys had a lot of benefits for couples.

Firstly, the study discovered that 6 out of 10 couples thought that the way to go is foreplay. The most exciting way to make things more fun in the bedroom for 6 out of 10 couples was to be having an extension of foreplay. Even though the duration spent by these couples on foreplay was not mentioned, the truth is that finally foreplay is getting its well-deserved attention. And we all know that there is nothing like foreplay without our best and trusted adult toys for sale.

Secondly, a minority of couples had the feelings that there could be improvements in their sex lives. 3 out of 10 of the couples who responded stated that their sex lives would be made better if they could have more sex. But there were those who were satisfied with the quantity of sex that they were already engaged in. for this latter group, what they actually desired were changes and sex of better quality. 28 percent of those surveyed desired to experience better sex with their partners while 28 percent desired to experience with their partner sex that was changed. Even though the respondents did not say what that change was, it is safe to assume that adult toys in Canada would be uppermost in their mind. 

Thirdly, in order to ensure that sex between couples is exciting most couples relay a lot on new sex positions. We all know that if there is anything that would entice any couple’s sex life it would no doubt be the use of adult toys. And this fact is corroborated by the same study. Even though most of the couples surveyed stick to new sex positions, there were about 52 percent of them who would throw adult toys for sale into the mix just to maintain the spicy nature of their rumps in the bedroom. But that was not all. The study also revealed that almost 8 out of 10 couples tried using different sex positions as well to make their sex to be more exciting.   

From those above points compiled by We-Vibe, it is obvious that the use of adult toys really provides much needed benefits for couples. In Canada One of those places where you can get the very best dildos for sale in Canada is at Pleasures N’ Treasures store